Press releases

Ute Behrend | Cars and Cows 06.01.2024

By the roadside of the American Dream ...

With Cars and Cows, Ute Behrend presents us with her subtle observations on the myth of progress of the American Dream and the fragility of our era – a poetic look beyond the roadside!

Just as the American Dream is coming of age and gradually deteriorating, Ute Behrend's photographs bring together two outdated models reminiscent of the good old days in the United States: American Classic Cars and old Breeds of Cattle.

On her travels through the USA, the Cologne-based photographer repeatedly noticed Chevrolets, Cadillacs and other Classic American cars - some lovingly maintained, others left to rot on the side of the road by themselves. At the same time, she kept looking into the attentive eyes of longhorns and other cattle. - These have more in common with the motorized witnesses of the American Dream than you might imagine: both are registered and numbered, emit an inappropriate amount of climate-damaging gases, CO2 and methane, pollute the environment and are symbols of an era that revelled in abundance and celebrated symbols of its wealth. Ute Behrend's empathetic gaze allows for a certain nostalgia without slipping into the kitschy.


BUMMBUMM BOOKS is yet new in the publishing landscape and has set itself the ambitious goal of reclaiming the poetic space – be it in the form of photo books such as this one by co-editor Ute Behrend, fine art prints or freedom books dedicated to the very personal concepts of freedom. A sharp eye, current topics of dispute, carefull design and outstanding print quality characterize the ambitious program of the Cologne-based publisher Florian v. Wissel.


Ute Behrend
Cars and Cows 2023

Hardcover, stitched binding, foil embossing, Pseudo leather
18,1 x 24 cm
88 pages, 48 colour images
German, English
Edition of 500 Ex.
Price 45,– €
ISBN 978-3-948059-07-1

Text Ute Behrend
Translation Florian v. Wissel
Design Florian v. Wissel

Further information on the artist:


On this page you will find approved press photos in print quality up to a width of 16 cm (for a higher resolution please contact us). As part of a review, the cover and up to three photographs from the book are approved for reproduction, provided the copyright notice is quoted.

In the press download below you will find further material:

Oliver Raschka | TWEEN 14.06.2023

Inbetween - How Boys become young men

In his current photo series, Oliver Raschka accompanies his sons through the labyrinth of the "Tween" years. In sixty black and white photographs, the transition to adulthood is sometimes loud, sometimes quiet - and full of nuances.

In his new book “TWEEN,” Oliver Raschka explores the intense period between childhood and becoming an adult. The black-and-white photographs depict a balancing act between separation and intimacy, change and continuity, restlessness and stillness. Everyday scenes capture moments of washing up dishes, gaming, and lounging on the sofa. At times, he portrays the brothers as thoughtful and introspective. Then they climb trees, dance, engage in arm wrestling, or conquer wild waters together. The boys are always hungry for action and speed. For those familiar with the photographs from his previous book “THE WORLD AIN’T ENOUGH...,” “TWEEN” offers a familiar sphere. It‘s fun to discover the same hair clipper, the same camper van, and the same wrestling mask as three years ago ... And yet, everything is different.

The "Tween" years documented by Raschka from 2020 to 2023 are also the years of the COVID-19 pandemic. For young people like Philip and Justus, the personal challenges of puberty intersect with school closures and lockdowns.

A war in the heart of Europe, climate anxiety, and an ever-changing environment with no guarantees for a good future are constant themes.

Oliver Raschka's long-term photographic project also shows that life is a mosaic of fleeting moments. Time never stands still. For him and his sons, this means one thing above all: growing together, both with each other and alongside each other - and capturing the moments - sensitively and empathetically. That is Raschka's great strength. Nothing is staged; everything is true, and as a viewer, you are invited to participate.

As a father who documents the lives of his own children through photography, Raschka fills a gap in contemporary art photography. Starting with Käthe Buchler, through Sally Mann to Katharina Bosse, the focus on one's own children has been predominantly influenced by women.

Raschka gives us an insight into an explicitly male perspective on childhood, youth, and parenthood in a time when nothing seems certain anymore. In doing so, he reflects on constructions of masculinity, his own childhood, and his role as a father.

"For me as a parent, the focus is now no longer on parenting but on guidance and support."

Oliver Raschka accompanies his sons through the absurdities of everyday life - as a father and as a photographer. Unpretentious and authentic, but always gentle and full of respect, he photographs his sons as the individuals they are at that moment.

As publishers, we are pleased to be able to present Oliver Raschka's second book.


BUMMBUMM BOOKS is yet new in the publishing landscape and has set itself the ambitious goal of reclaiming the poetic space – whether in the form of photo books like this one, fine art prints or the freedom books, which are dedicated to personal concepts of freedom. A sharp eye, current topics of dispute, carefull design and outstanding print quality characterize the committed program of the Cologne-based publisher Florian v. Wissel.


Oliver Raschka

Hardcover, Fadenheftung, Blindprägung
27,5 x 22,6 cm
128 Seiten, 60 Duoton-Abbildung
Auflage von 300 Ex.

Preis 45,– €
ISBN 978-3-948059-06-4

Beiträge Oliver Raschka
Übersetzung Carolin Schneider
Visuelles Lektorat Ute Behrend, Florian v. Wissel
Gestaltung Florian v. Wissel

Weitere Informationen zur Künstlerin unter:


Oliver Raschka | THE WORLD AIN'T ENOUGH … 10.07.2020

Two brothers and living the moment

The exultant joy that embraces the whole world and the abysmal sadness that seems to offer no escape – Oliver Raschka's photographs of his sons touch us and stir the inner child living on within us.

Oliver Raschka shows the colourful and exciting first ten years of his two sons in black and white. On 128 pages the viewer participates in the rapid developments of the first years of life of his two boys. At home, at play, after school, at sporting events or when out shopping - Raschka takes pictures from real life. And this is an exciting real life! With great sensitivity and compassion he portrays joy, anger, sadness and wild euphoria. After just a few pages, the viewer is right in the midst of it and conquers the world alongside with the kids.

„My sons are early birds. Their nights end between six and seven o’clock in the morning. After getting up, they are in full swing and with their vivid imagination they take in the world within seconds. The world ain’t enough …! The world ain’t enough! Their childlike thirst for conquest inspired me to the title of this book.“

A father who is reliving parts of his childhood with his sons. Who reflects and knows in every second that these moments will be passing. The remarkable aspect of this book is the masculine perspective on both of his sons. In contemporary photographic art it is mainly women who reflect and interpret their perspective upon their children and their everyday life. Furthermore, the children photographed are mostly girls. Here this indeed is different and thus new and unseen. As with Sally Mann, the gaze is not focused on the family but solely on the children. But in place of a paradise garden, here a limited space has been created in which the boys must above all: Move! Action is the motto! As soon as they wake up, the action starts. And luckily there are two of them and they are in mutual agreement on this point at least. And Raschka is always on board. Never again will growing up be as wonderful as it is with small children. And as Raschka knows that, he takes pictures. With the same vigour as his sons start into their day in the morning.

Raschka's book reveals a gap in contemporary photography.

We as a publishing house are pleased to be able to fill it.


BUMMBUMM BOOKS is yet new in the publishing landscape and has set itself the ambitious goal of reclaiming the poetic space – whether in the form of photo books like this one, fine art prints or the freedom books, which are dedicated to personal concepts of freedom. A sharp eye, current topics of dispute, carefull design and outstanding print quality characterize the committed program of the Cologne-based publisher Florian v. Wissel.


Oliver Raschka

Hardcover, stitched binding, blind embossing
18,2 x 24 cm
128 Pages, 65 Duotone Images
German, English
Number of copies: 300

Price 39,– €
ISBN 978-3-948059-01-9

Contributions Oliver Raschka
Translation Carolin Schneider
Visual Editing Ute Behrend, Florian v. Wissel
Design Florian v. Wissel

Further information about the artist under:


Ute Behrend | Bärenmädchen / Bear Girls 20.06.2019

Ute Behrends Bärenmädchen / Bear Girls – Protecting the Self

An invented story at the start of this photobook will show the limits of reality. Nothing is certain, but we can believe everything.

Adolescence is the topic of Ute Behrend's new photo book. It tells of a fictitious "Indian tribe" that separates its pubescent girls from other group members and dresses them in bearskins in order to protect them from premature sexualization. Thus a shelter is created that allows the girls to develop freely and self-determinedly in this important phase of their lives. Behrend calls them "bear girls" and draws parallels to our society, in which free spaces for adolescent girls are constantly diminishing.

In an interview at the end of the book, Ute Behrend states that many girls try to evade the stereotypes of sexualised identification that are shaped by society and the media. This is often manifested in the girls behavioural patterns such as wearing too large sweaters, borrowed from their father's wardrobe. Behrend understands bear girls as a perfect antithesis to Lolita, the child woman invented by Vladimir Nabokov. On the back cover of the photo book she quotes from John Irving's novel "Hotel New Hampshire": It's funny,' Susie said, 'I'm not really a big fighter, but nobody tries to mess with a bear. All I have to do is grab a guy like that and he'll roll up and start whimpering. (...) Nobody fights back when you're a bear.' In Irving's novel too, a girl needs a heavy coat: after being sexually assaulted, she uses a bearskin to protect her identity.

However, the original idea is much older. The Greek goddess Artemis dressed her playmates in bearskins to shelter them from the sexual desire of men. If one of them had been with a man, whether intentionally or unintentionally, she was expelled from the palace.

Ute Behrend has created a photo book full of poetic compositions. Things become visible that do not belong to the visible. Using the emotional power of her images, she formulates new mysteries. The Previously unthought was found and woven into new riddles. 'Her' bear girls move in them as if immersed in an archetypically nature-oriented environment. They seem timeless, delicately sensitive and lost. Many of the girls' portraits look as if they were taken in random situations. The opposite is the case. Behrend has carefully researched and staged places as well as actors. And just like in a fictional story, there are also wild animals to be admired. Often far away and quite small in size within the image. They neither want to be seen nor touched – just like the bear girls in this book.


BUMMBUMM BOOKS is yet new in the publishing landscape and has set itself the ambitious goal of reclaiming the poetic space – be it in the form of photo books such as this one by co-editor Ute Behrend, fine art prints or freedom books dedicated to the very personal concepts of freedom. A sharp eye, current topics of dispute, carefull design and outstanding print quality characterize the ambitious program of the Cologne-based publisher Florian v. Wissel.


Ute Behrend
Bärenmädchen | Bear Girls 2019

Hardcover, thread-stitching, blind embossing
22 x 29,7 cm
128 pages, 96 coloured and 1 b/w-illustration
German, English
Edition of 549 Ex.
Price 45,– €
ISBN 978-3-948059-00-2

Contributions by Barbara Hofmann-Johnson, Ute Behrend
Translation Tom Ashforth
Illustrations Karla-Jean v. Wissel
Design Florian v. Wissel

Further information about the artist:


On this page you will find approved press photos in print quality up to a width of 16 cm (for a higher resolution please contact us). As part of a review, the cover and up to three photographs from the book are approved for reproduction, provided the copyright notice is quoted.

In the press download below you will find further material: